The Punjab government’s Ehsaas Rashan Program which is named as Ehsaas Kafalat Scheme, is a basic facility bringing a plan for poor families to introduce a Rs 4500 free ration. Earlier, the BISP beneficiaries were provided a monthly ration of Rs 2000 per head. The operation of this drive is to support those people who are experiencing severe hardships in an effort to put basic needs such as flour, ghee and sugar on the table. Let’s discuss the Ehsaas Rashan Program Online Application and News.
Key Details of the Ehsaas Rashan Program:
Program Name:
Ehsaas Rashan Program is one of the solutions and cash transfer programmes helping those families who are unable to run their household expenses.
Initial Duration:
- 2021 to July 11 2024
- Restart Date: After Eid, in the year 2024
Main Items Provided:
Bread/Bread Flour, Butter, Sugar
Eligibility Criteria:
Thus, the eligibility of BISP or now Ehsaas will be determined by the poverty line.
Registration Method:
Text ‘SMS’ to 8123
Required Documents:
CNIC, Number, E-mail
Geographic Focus:
Punjab region
The plan was first canceled on 11 July of 2024, but because of poor inflation and extreme necessity for low-income earners it restarted. Thus, the beneficiaries under the BISP which include widows, deserted wives, and physically challenged persons enjoy a 40% concession on the Quarterly Package on the prescribed essential items while other BISP card holders are also given a concession at the rate of 20%.
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How to Register for the Ehsaas Rashan Program:
- Text your CNIC number to 8123.
- Make sure you are sending the message from your own SIM card back to her.
- Subject to this, one can start drawing rations from the time previously prescribed as restart date.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Having BISP or Ehsaas program ID card from any district of the Punjab Province of Pakistan.
- For low income earners, they aimed at providing support for the head of the household and would in most cases comprise of the following:
- Applicants shall not be in possession of any passport or they have not traveled to any foreign country.
- Ehsaas Rashan Program Online Application and News
- To be more specific, no one should work for the government, specifically for the body that provides public services to people.
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Required Documents:
- National Identity Card (CNIC)
- Preferably the contact number and the email address
Although the disbursement is stop and start, the Ehsaas Rashan Program is beneficial to those in need. Informed persons still can register at the special centers or local stores selling utilities. This way, the program can be more instrumental in offering essential support to the beneficiaries since they have to complete the registration process and present other legal proofs. Check the program’s current standing and the processes involved in registering for it.